Roman Araya of the Weed for Warriors Project visits Magnolia to speak with veterans.
Here at Magnolia, we understand that military veterans need our support. Vets face numerous issues upon returning home from tours of duty abroad, the most serious of which include post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and a high rate of suicide.
If you're a veteran looking to talk with other vets, or if you're just looking for help navigating the maze of services and benefits available, Magnolia is proud to announce two meetings just for you.
Tonight, Monday, August 8th, at 6:30pm, veterans are encouraged to join a Veterans Support Group with Ryan Miller of EVAC. The group is being held at the Gateway Incubator, located at 330 2nd St in Oakland. The group will meet the 2nd and 4th Monday of every month.
We are also planning a general group with Weed for Warriors where veterans can get answers to questions about everything particular to post-military life. This group will be here at Magnolia on the 1st and 3rd Monday of every month, with a time still TBD.
Please attend the group tonight at Gateway to find out more about our veterans services and how cannabis might be right for you.