10:00 AM in room 4203 in the State Capitol Building in downtown Sacramento. The committee will vote on AB 2243 (Wood), imposes a new tax on medical cannabis distributors. Cal NORML opposes the bill. Take Action!
Five other medical cannabis bills will be heard on the same day:
AB 567 (Gipson) will create a tax amnesty program for medical cannabis businesses and organizations.
AB 1575 (Bonta) is a clean-up bill for MMRSA.
AB 2385 (Jones-Sawyer) allows Los Angeles dispensaries qualified under Measure D to obtain state licenses.
AB 2516 (Wood) creates a new "cottage cultivator" license under the MMRSA.
AB 2679 (Cooley) expands the reporting requirements and research rules under MMRSA.
You may testify in person or send comments to committee members beforeJuly 26: http://sapro.senate.ca.gov/